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What is it?

Big R's Gym is a private 1-2-1 personal training facility.

Where is it?

The gym is located in Cramond, Edinburgh. 

What do you do there?

We work together to achieve your  goals and more importantly teach you how to maintain them.

Who goes there?

People who want to better themselves and are willing to be humble and work hard. 

Why should I go there?

Because gyms alone aren't that effective and neither is that Joe Wicks workout on YouTube. At BRG you get personalised guidance that saves you time and frustration.  

Who is the Coach?

Ronan McCullagh - Competitive Powerlifter and Weightlifter.

What sort of training do you do?

That depends on your goal.

Are the sessions tough?

It should be the right amount of tough. The idea is break personal bests not peoples backs. 

Can you help me with my nutrition?

Yes personal nutrition programming services are available 

Will I loose weight? 

Neil did


so did Gordon








Where do I sign up?

Right here...

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